Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 1 - Open to the Public

Maris Farms opened the Haunted Woods to the public last night. As I left my home to go to work my husband called out, "I hope you make someone pee their pants tonight." That was a first.

Speaking of firsts, on the night of dress rehearsal I used a port-a-potty in a clown costume in the dark. Underwear up, check. Pants up, check. Clown costume on, check. What a process.

I continue to be amazed at how organized this operation runs, it's truly a well oiled machine. The owners have mastered the unique balance of firm boundaries/expectations and encouraging motivation.

Behind the scenes it is a hotbed of activity, with all the actors getting into costumes and applying makeup. Tiffany is the make-up artist; she's creative and enthusiastic. Many of the actors enjoy applying their own makeup. It's fascinating, I watched one guy gluing cottonballs to his head and by the time he was done his makeup rivaled that of Hollywood horror films. Another man was helped with his wig, adding barretts to keep the hair out of his mangled face. The styled wig provided an incongruous comparison to his gruesome makeup.

My favorite two lines overheard behind the scenes last night:
"Has anyone seen my two-headed baby?"
"The year I decided to go without eyes was a real challenge."

Energy was high as we took our places and prepared to meet the suspecting public. My partner and I were excited and ready to go as we laid in wait for people to pass through the clown house. Many times, as people entered, we heard the exchange, "You go first." "No, I'm not going first. YOU go first." Sometimes the chainsaw guy would literally chase people screaming into the clown house. That was especially awesome, because they'd enter with their hearts already racing and not fully on their guard and they were easily startled. One couple RAN all the way through the clown house at breakneck speed, zip!

Scaring people is often a matter of timing. They come in to the clown house, expecting clowns, but not knowing exactly where we will come from. Even the most jaded person will jump if you startle them at just the right time. I grateful that I'm a clown, it covers me when I bust a gut laughing at someone I manage to scare. Oh yeah, we scared people good. It was GREAT!

I enjoy the thrill of expectation. Lying in wait, knowing that people are approaching my hiding place, my heart beats faster as I prepare to leap out. I love making new things up, switching up my hiding place, playing with my partner to discover new ways of distracting and startling people. This is truly interactive improv theatre and I love it!

As far as scaring people, its that old "some of the people/all of the time" adage. Not everyone is going to be scared, startled or engaged in the experience. That's ok. I'm embracing the challenge of scaring/startling even the most jaded and giving everyone a great experience as they pass through the clown house. My favorites last night were the guy who threw himself back against the wall of the clown house and cried out when I jumped out and the couple who couldn't get traction and slipped to the floor in their effort to get away when my partner startled them.

My partner was hit twice and spit on once. These were inadvertant reactions to being startled. Here's what's funny: She was thrilled. We both thought it was great because it meant she was doing a terrific job at scaring people.

There were quite a few customers in costumes last night. I also enjoyed the group who went through wearing Snuggies held shut in the back by rubberbands. That was unexpected and fun!

My favorites are the people who are fully invested in immersing themselves in the experience. Typically you can hear them coming, because they are hearty screamers and loud laughers. You can tell that they have come with the intention of having a good time and it's working for them.

Today my voice is shot. My throat doesn't hurt, it's just raw. Wicked laughter and loud shouting will do that. The powers that be at Maris Farms provide all the actors with cough drops, throat lozenges and plenty of water. I can only imagine what this will do to my voice when we work three and four nights in a row. I think my partner and I need air horns. That would really have people jumping. Bwa-ha-ha-haaaaaa!

I'm adding a photo, taken by my partner with her cell phone. I'll have more pictures to share soon.

The public is safe...until Friday.

Kelly the Crazed Clown

1 comment:

  1. ROFL! I never would have known you!! And I never would go to a haunted house but I life hearing about about the workings of it all. So cool Kelly!
