Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sacrifice? Or Unexpected Perk?

The actors are well taken care of at Maris Farms Haunted Woods. The powers that be (bosses) circulate throughout the night, bringing us water and handing out throat lozenges. They remind all the actors to stay hydrated, take our vitamins and get enough rest. They provide pizza at the end of a shift, knowing that we will all be supremely hungry after an energy intensive night. They invest in us because they want us to enjoy our experience and make it through the demanding month of performances.

At first I declined throat lozenges, they aren't typically something I gravitate towards. I was concerned that I would either choke/swallow it or inadvertently launch it from my mouth like a projectile at some unsuspecting customer. (I also limited how much water I was drinking once in costume. I keep thinking that a terrific joke might start, "Did you hear the one about the clown in the porta-potty?" But I digress...)

I've since discovered that maniacal laughter takes a toll on my throat and cough drops are my friends. After dress rehearsal on Friday and full-on public performance Saturday I awoke Sunday morning with nearly no voice. I sounded like a de-barked dog or a sea lion with larangitus or a post-event protester. This made communication with my hubby challenging, as he is hearing impaired. Lets just say there were some tense moments throughout the day as I tried to be heard and he tried to hear me.

At one point I whispered, "When I'm doing three and four night performances I will have to be careful and rest my voice. I may not talk at all on the days between performances." My husband quickly replied, "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Gee, honey, thanks. Way to take one for the team.

Is this a sacrifice? Or an unexpected perk? I'd like to think it is, perhaps, a bit of both.

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